What I Lost:(

Nola Bear

New member
I've finally come around to taking stock of what I lost:headwallblue:. I have the tank dialed back in and will now start to rebuild my sps collection.

Tyree Pink Lemonade
Strawberry Shortcake
PC Rainbow
Myagi Tort
WWC Yeti
Blue Tenuis
Oregon Tort
Red Dragon
ORA Chips
WWC Lemon Lime
WWC Blue Lagoon
$500 Efflo
Starburst Monti
Tubbs Stellata Monti

Luckily, most of these were still just in the large frag to small colony stage. If anyone has any of these and is willing to help me out and sell me a frag, let me know. I'm definitely not trying to recoup all at once, couldn't swing that financially even if I wanted to--still morally defeated anyways.

Dang man. That's gotta be tough. You lost just about everything that I want

This hobby deals a few nasty blows. To be honest, I've had nothing but grief for the last year with this tank. Just got it dialed in, with sps coloring up and really nice growth all over before the storm too. So it goes...:hmm2:
I lost all my SPS too, I fell your loss.

Thanks buddy. the only silver lining is that I lost a "trouble" tang that I was never going to catch and now I get to get more corals too. Always an upside, I guess.

Did you guys read the post on the national equipment post from the guy in Orlando asking for hurricane relief help? He was selling his Kessils trying to get money and some dude tried to strong arm him via PayPal. Worth reading. I'll try to add a link if people haven't read it.
This hobby deals a few nasty blows. To be honest, I've had nothing but grief for the last year with this tank. Just got it dialed in, with sps coloring up and really nice growth all over before the storm too. So it goes...:hmm2:

When you get it up and running, I have a few frags that you can have. Nothing spectacular, but still nice :)
I know how you feel. We did not have a lot of losses, but our reef is essentially gone (our story is posted elsewhere if you're interested) I was just beginning to get good growth and was finally happy with the way things were going.

If there is anything we can do to help please let us know. We have some frags and extra equipment available to help anyone who suffered from the storm or flooding
I know how you feel. We did not have a lot of losses, but our reef is essentially gone (our story is posted elsewhere if you're interested) I was just beginning to get good growth and was finally happy with the way things were going.

If there is anything we can do to help please let us know. We have some frags and extra equipment available to help anyone who suffered from the storm or flooding

Thanks Safir! I'm sorry about your reef. I do have two bonsai frags that somehow survived, browned out but coloring back up now. I can donate to you if you want.

I'm chalking this whole mess up to a relative "par for the course" for this state and with this hobby... I'm a Tampa native and love my community and this hobby/community, so I am here to persevere. :beer:
Sorry for your losses. My tank was a total loss after 6 days with no power and soaring heat in my house.

I'm sorry to hear that! It is rough. However, this community is incredible. I got to go visit two great guys on the forum over the weekend and they helped restock my tank. You have to love some good, honest reefers.

If there is anything I can do to help, let me know, Mitch.
Sorry for your losses. My tank was a total loss after 6 days with no power and soaring heat in my house.

What did you keep in the tank? Is it setup for sps,pls,softies, mix reef? I'm happy to help u restock some of your tank if I have what u are looking for.

I'm sorry to hear that! It is rough. However, this community is incredible. I got to go visit two great guys on the forum over the weekend and they helped restock my tank. You have to love some good, honest reefers.

If there is anything I can do to help, let me know, Mitch.

We still have some frags of what was left after the storm we can offer to help out as well, a few zoas/palys, some leptos and a few pieces of montipora.