What inverts ok with SF ell


New member
Ar there any inverts that are safe with an ell. i really want to get something like a pom-pom crab or a shrimp, but i am woried that the ell will eat them. he is about 6'' at the moment. Thanks for any help :)
There is always a chance that a SF eel will eat any of the inverts but usually a shrimp, cleaner or blood, should be ok as would a larger hermit. If you have a large SF eel small hermits would probably be ok. A lot depends on how much you feed the eel as if it's well feed it shouldn't go after the hermits or shrimp.

Also a 6" SF eel is pretty small you need to make sure it's getting fed 3-4 times a week. A lot of these very small SF eel don't make it.
Make sure its WELL feed. Theres always the chance its going to eat some. Just don't get attached to the inverts
I succesfully kept a large SFE with a variety of hermits and a couple of cleaner shrimp. He never paid them much attention and would allow the shrimp to give him a going over, even inside of it's mouth. I introduced a sally lightfoot crab once and it was over in a matter of minutes.
When I introduced my snowlake it zeroed in on my purple lobster in a mattter of minutes. I guess that made it full b/c it allowed the cleaner shrimp to live for another two weeks.
Mine appears so blind he can't find a live shrimp. I put in some feeders and he couldn't catch any that I saw, of course there aren't any in the tank now, so ??

I do have a cleaner and three camel shrimp and they are all ok so far, but I feed him one frozen shimp every day, and two every other.
Mine ate my arrow crab and legs off of my sally lightfoot crab. he leaves the hermits, snails, starfish and cleaner shrimp alone.

skid, one frozen shrimp a day? How big is your eel? I feed mine once a week, or every other week if i forget.
My eel is about 18-20" I was feeding him one shimp every other day. I increased it because of the Angelfish. These are the small salad shrimp, not larger cocktail shrimp. I do think its too much also, and I'm weening him down to two every other day.

The "bad eel" as my daughter says, would go find and eat the angelfish food before the angel could get to it, once the angel went into the eel cave to try and get his dinner back, but it was too late.

If I feed the eel two shrimp, then put the Angel's food in the eel will usually leave it alone. Although the other day he had his two shrimp, then half the Angel's block before the Angel took it back.
My SF gets 3 or 4 silversides every week or so. I usually do mix it up and get him some krill about every other time. Every now and again he gets some squid.
So snails and hermets are ok. i just wanted to know if i could get a good clean-up crew. i don't want to risk it with the shrimp