What is going on with my zoanthid?


New member

Sal: 1.026
Temp: 79.0°f
Mag: 1305
Cal: 410
Alk: 8.9
pH: 8.0
Phosphate: .03
Nitrate: 5ppm

What is going on with these things? Like they were fine! I switched from stock pc biocube lighting to a 70w mh. I acclimated the light well I think.... A week ago had them at 4 hrs now they are at five. I moved my tank from Ohio to Tennessee and its been up for a day. However, before the move they were looking very weird, increasingly getting worse. It sucks! I don't know what it is. Any help would be great.

A week ago...


After a few days



Water chemistry and/or light shock...
It's probably because of the moving. Specially if you used almost 100% new water.
Cut back the lights for one or 2 hours, to help them out and wait for like 3 weeks min. The colors will probably come back slowly and the you can bring back the regular schedule slowly!!
MHs are great for zoas!!!!
If you are turning your MHs for 4 hours a day I would try 2 or 3 hours for now.
You can add a very small amount of amino acids in the water daily.
Don't touch them nor move them around!!!
Forget you tank and deal with the problem with a long term vision.
Not a big deal.
Good luck!

Water chemistry and/or light shock...
It's probably because of the moving. Specially if you used almost 100% new water.
Cut back the lights for one or 2 hours, to help them out and wait for like 3 weeks min. The colors will probably come back slowly and the you can bring back the regular schedule slowly!!
MHs are great for zoas!!!!
If you are turning your MHs for 4 hours a day I would try 2 or 3 hours for now.
You can add a very small amount of amino acids in the water daily.
Don't touch them nor move them around!!!
Forget you tank and deal with the problem with a long term vision.
Not a big deal.
Good luck!


Okay awesome I will do that. Ill put them for two hours. I used like 70% old water and I am doing water changes daily to get back to normal. I also took out all the old sand (it was disgusting ugly course substrate) and replaced it with reef sand. It will get there. Thanks for the help.
dude, same thing was happening to mine! bunch of polyps disappearing, then today I looked into the tank and I see those dead(or so i thought) polyps on the other side of the tank! you should check your tank thoroughly
dude, same thing was happening to mine! bunch of polyps disappearing, then today I looked into the tank and I see those dead(or so i thought) polyps on the other side of the tank! you should check your tank thoroughly

They aren't disappearing they are just closing and getting small and not looking good!
Okay awesome I will do that. Ill put them for two hours. I used like 70% old water and I am doing water changes daily to get back to normal. I also took out all the old sand (it was disgusting ugly course substrate) and replaced it with reef sand. It will get there. Thanks for the help.

You're welcome.
Also, please stop the daily water changes for now. Let the tank rest.
10% every other week should be fine.

Make sure you've got the skimmer working good.

You're welcome.
Also, please stop the daily water changes for now. Let the tank rest.
10% every other week should be fine.

Make sure you've got the skimmer working good.


Well I can't do that... I have a 14g biocube lol so ill have to do weekly atleast
i had a mini colony of vdm's that started to look like your first picture. they began to retract and get smaller, within about 4-5 days i lost 10 polyps. this was shortly after swapping them to a new tank with stronger lighting.
Please be more specific.
What that would have to do with having a 14g biocube?


Well I guess I was used to doing big water changes because my last setup, with course substrate and all, had serious nitrate problems. Tested today and everything is fine!

Sal: 1.026
Temp: 79.4
Cal: 425
Mag: 1420
Alk: 10
pH: 7.7-8.0
Phosphate: .1
Nitrate: 5
light shock...

I would only do weekly WC's... Since your system is relatively new, I would let it rest a week check your parameters and do a WC if it requires you to do one if water is not good. Just watch for a mini cycle.
I would only do weekly WC's... Since your system is relatively new, I would let it rest a week check your parameters and do a WC if it requires you to do one if water is not good. Just watch for a mini cycle.

Okay awesome, so far have not had a mini cycle and it's day 5 since the move.
What is going on with my zoanthid?


How're the zoas doing?


Since I cut the light back and all it had been doing well. All were open, smaller than there biggest they've been but open pretty nice. I will post a picture tomorrow. When mh lights are off should I keep sunlight from the room or let some light in? Will it change anything or hurt it?
Since I cut the light back and all it had been doing well. All were open, smaller than there biggest they've been but open pretty nice. I will post a picture tomorrow. When mh lights are off should I keep sunlight from the room or let some light in? Will it change anything or hurt it?
You can let the sunlight come in as long as it doesn't affect the tank's temperature and if doesn't hit the tank directly for too long. Should be fine.

You can let the sunlight come in as long as it doesn't affect the tank's temperature and if doesn't hit the tank directly for too long. Should be fine.


Awesome thanks! It is not direct at allll! Just gives off some light through the blinds