What is my bubble doing???


New member
I've just bought my first bubble coral 2 days ago. Tonight I noticed lots of brown stringy mucus coming out of some of the mouths on it. These strings were breaking off and floating round the tank.
Is this normal? It looks like it might be expelling coral poop. Is the mucus harmful in any way to the other corals in my tank?
it could also be expelling its zooanthelle. I suspect your lighting may be stronger than the store you bought it from. Light acclimation is very important so you might want to move it down a little bit farther from the lights til it adjusts.
I was wondering whether it could be zooxanthellae as well but it seems to have retained it's pinky green colour and has not bleached (although I believe they can periodically do that without bleaching). My lights should be fine - I'm acclimating it for a week in the shadiest spot and my lighting is actually the same unit that they have in my lfs so hopefully shouldn't be too much of a shock.