What is on my Tang

looks to me like it scraped itself on something and now there appears to be a bacterial infection.
Prazipro is an anti-parasitic, it doesn't do anything to bacteria. You need an antibiotic, though which one is certainly a question.
does it look like something is hanging from it or attached to it? can't tell if its on the glass or the fish but it kinda looks like small hairs attached to it on pic 3, if so might be flukes or anchor worms.
Can you do a fw dip? This should confirm flukes/worms. You will see them fall off within the 3-5 min mark. If confirmed 2-3 rounds of prazipro 5-7 days apart should work. If not, might have to resort to formalin.
It looks like he just scrapped up against the rocks and thats the damage but i could be wrong. Keep an eye on it though