what is the best time to feed coral powder food for sps?


New member
I have been feeding at night, When Metal Halides are off but leds are still on.
I have seen the best polip extension in sps early in the morning after several hours of complete absence of light.

should I feed in early in the morning?

I usually turn skimmer and return pumps off for 45 min after feeding sps.
is this a good practice?

I feed reef foods twice a week, once mid day and the other like you said after lights have been off for a while.
Usually at night. Corals extend their polyps in all it's glory at night to feed as they are less vulnerable like that in nature. But you can train them to feed in the day too ;)

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there is more activity going on in the water column at night in the ocean, a lot of spawning events and such happen in the dark due to less predatory presence, and the corals take advantage of it by extending polyps/feeders.
in my tank I see small worms that freely swim in the water, as well as all the corals extending polyps, except the blasto.
Thank you for your answers.
what about turning off the skimmer and return pumps for some time after dosing coral powder food?
is it something that is worth doing? if so, how much time do you turn off skimmer?

thanks again