What is the longest a glass rimless tank can be?


Active member
I want to do a glass rimless tank, I'd love to get a 7' rimless, I know they make 6'

Can you go 7' with a rimless?

I want it 30" deep & 20" high

I plan on going starphire and really pushing towards a peninsula tank.

It seems some of these companies use different adhesives, some companies like ELOS even has a clear adhesive.

What color creates the strongest bond? I would prefer the clear unless it doesn't bond as good for a longer tank like this.
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Yes 7' is possible..
So its using clear silicone..
Bond strengths are basically the same for the different colors..
Hmm well seems that those are the specs I'm going to want then.

I would have probably went with a Red Sea reefer, but if I can get 7' rimless then I'm going for a custom tank, any idea of Reef savvy or SC Aquariums use the clear silicon?

I would have opted for acrylic, but that much tank is going to require one of those razor magnets to really keep it clean or it will just look like hell.

And I have to have sand in my reef tank, so using any scraper is out. I currently have a 24x24x20 acrylic cube and I have to clean it all by hand, which isn't bad until you get down to the sand bed and have to manually move the sand back and scrub hard to get it clean.

Something I am NOT interested in having to do with a 7' peninsula tank lol
Length really doesn't matter that much...it's height that causes more pressure on the glass. How thick will the glass need to be is the question.

Why can't you scrape glass on a tank with sand?
Length really doesn't matter that much...it's height that causes more pressure on the glass. How thick will the glass need to be is the question.

Why can't you scrape glass on a tank with sand?

Interesting on the height being a bigger problem. It's amazing this newer silicon can even hold these huge tanks together with no bracing. I'm a shorter guy so a 20" tall tank allows me to reach all the way down to the sandbed for maintenance without a stool, which makes housekeeping even that much easier. My current 24x24x20 acrylic cube was all custom by me and has worked perfect. If I set this next tank up even better I will have a lot of success.

I know for a tank this size I'm looking at 3/4" glass.

Well I was speaking with having sand in an acrylic tank - usually those super fast & easy to use magnets are a no-no, so I have always just manually cleaned my tank to keep the acrylic as nice as possible. But I want a much easier way to keep up on the glass cleaning for a much larger tank. And I'm totally fine with starphire glass for this build instead of acrylic.

I've never met a custom builder who wouldn't let you choose any color (including clear) but if you've got dimensions and other specs in mind, and specific builders, why not just talk directly to them?

Eh sadly these companies don't have customer support at 3 am when you can't sleep and glued to your computer researching reef tanks lol thankfully reefcentral is there instead!
But I did submit my build request to ReefSavvy, SC Aquariums & Miracle Aquariums. I should be able to get what I want from one of them. Probably leaning towards ReefSavvy (even though I know it will be the pricier one)
The silicone is not the concern for strength. Only height and how thick the glass is. Talk to your builder and go with their recommendation. If the tank will be in an area is likely to get for bumps or kids "œtapping" on it with whatever they find (it happens), you may want to bump the thickness up on notch on the long sides. I have also heard of some people using a single stainless steel brace in the middle of some longer rimless tanks since this can be relative thin and strong, without too many esthetic or issues with blocking light.

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