What is this growing in my overflow?


New member
Lack of light always works to knock back algae growth. Though you could always let the algae grow and harvest for nutrient removal, like growing chaeto in a sump.
If I decided to let it grow aren't I running the risk of it spreading to my DT when I pop the bubbles?right now it is limited to my overflow,also I cannot see if it's really gumming things up in there,whith chaeto at least it's where you want it.i was thinking of adding a small chaeto refugium( next reef stick on)
BUBBLE ALGAE!!! This is one algae you don't want in your tank whatsoever! Don't pop them or they will spread like wild fire in your tank. I suggest you remove them manually without popping them. I would even suggest to disconnect the sump from the ds until you remove them all to avoid accidental popping and spreading.