What is this red stuff


New member
I have this red-brownish (blood red) stuff starting to grow everywear even on my snails. It is very fine matts with long strands comming off. It can be somewhat easily blown off or vacuumed up. It clumps in my gravel also. my LPS clerk thinks it could be a type of cyano-bacteria not an algae. any ideas, sory no pics "I need a digital camera"
I finally got the search engine to work, the stuff is cyano a few people have used red-slime remover or chemi-clean to get rid of it. A report said sea hares and other amphipods will eat the stuff
any opinions on this.
The most important thing to do is to get rid of the excess dissolved nutrients in your tank. The red slime remover will get rid of it for the time being, but it will come back if the nutrients are there for it to feed off of. Conch snails will also eat some of it but when the conditions are right it is hard to find anything that will eat it fast enough to really make a dent. Old light bulbs that have shifted their spectrum to the red end also help to favor its growth. HTH
I thought I would let everyone know that I got rid of the stuff using chemi-clean, works great and no side effects.

Thanks for everyones help