What is this???

Looks to me like Briopsis. It can be a nuisance and hard to get rid of once it spread, I must admit though it looks really pretty sometimes.

Lettuce Sea Slug or Lettuce Nudibranch (Tridachia crispata), will eat this pretty fast.

I had it in my nano and I just took the rock out, placed it in a bucket of aquarium water and scrubbed it really hard, it came back a little but I scrubbed it again and it was gone.

Rock Anemone:D
Thanks Rock anemone

Thanks Rock anemone

Yeah it is very pretty----i knew it would be bad for my reef. Luckily it's only on this one rock. One more thing, does it use calcium to grow?:sad1:

Should I just put this rock in my refugium?
Rock Anemone said:
I don't believe they use calcium to grow.

How old is your tank? It could just be part of the tank cycle and age.

Also, your best bet is to check your phosphate and make sure you don't have any, this is the main cause fo most nuisance algae, ecpecially tap water.

Here's a good article: http://www.animalnetwork.com/fish2/aqfm/1999/apr/outer/default.asp

Rock Anemone:D

This is my one month old 65gallon reef (30gal fuge). All rock and corals were transferred from a previous setup. It contains about 80lbs of rock and branch and also 10 lbs of a cured coral wich is being use as branch. In the previous tank this alage didn't grow much, now it is growing pretty fast. I guess it's because the tank is still going through an alage cycle like you said. Will it be a problem if I place this rock in the refugium with some calupera??

Thanks for your help:rollface:
Neat Aquascaping, lots of places for corals.

Anyways, I would take the rock out and scrub it, then you cna place it in the refugium, if you'd like it won't have to much of a benifit.

Rock Anemone:D
Hmm. How to put this tactfully. Hrmm, I can't, so I won't try.

That stuff is EVIL

I tried scalding it with BOILING WATER and it didn't die. (process: stand next to pot of boiling water, insert baster, hold affected rock with tongs, squirt algae with fresh-from-the-pot water)

It will over-grow everything if given the chance. I'm just glad I opened that pic at work cause after getting some because it 'looked nice':rolleyes: I don't even want a picture of it in my house.

If I had it, I'd get anything off the rock I could by carefully fragging, then I'd place the rock in boiling water for no less than 10 minutes (that did work, but it took 2 months for the last of the boiled bits to let go of the rocks), then I'd either put the rock in a part of the tank where it will never see light again, or use it in a refuge or FO tank.