what is this?

I think elevated nitrates are a serious issue. Sure not at low levels, but they can accumulate enough to be toxic with poor maintenance, and even before it's toxicity kills the fish directly it's a doorway for other pathogens to take hold. I've seen algae smother corals as well. I respect your opinion however, Sir Chris...

*Not that the high salinity isn't an issue, I just don't believe it's acting alone here.
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Jon, for once Kerry is completely right. It is catching the bast@ard that is the problem. I have tried everything and nothing works. Chris has offered to help me tear down the tank and take all the rock out over a weekend. I am not sure this would work because he hides in small holes . Once I was aquascaping (drinking beer) and I had a rock in my hand, WHACK the crack of the mantis claw on my finger. I dropped the rock very quickly and expected to look down at a very damaged finger. Amazingly there was no blood and and barely a scratch (lucky I guess). He is a weird creature, certain snails and crabs are gone within days of putting them in my tank. Some he never touches. I cant figure out the reason or the difference.

I have wanted a harlequin shrimp from the first time I laid eyes on one. I always assumed that would be a $20 piece of food. Last weekend I bit the bullet and bought one. He is still around today thank goodness! It is weird, I talked to Richard about it and thought maybe I would give it a try. He has never bothered a peppermint, cleaner, or blood shrimp. Richard said maybe he just like snails and crabs.

Yes there is a bounty on his head but I do not want to take all the rock out. We have a nice relationship going, he sticks his head out every morning and waves as I leave for work!
Jabo thats cool,Ive wanted one for a while and that was going to give me the excuse to get one. I cannot justify just going out and buying another tank just for the sake of it. :)
chris we got the water changes done and the nitrates back down. the tank looks clear and the corals are back to life!!