What is your system turnover per hour?


Ancient Eskimo Legend
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RC Mod
I am debating system turnover per hour through the sump on my system. I am going to have a 375g and 470g tanks running through a pair of sumps. I currently have a SEQ 4300 that I am thinking of trying....not sure what the head pressure will reduce the total gph to after it feeds 4 1.5" tank returns on two tanks.

I am guessing that it will be down to about 3000gph after head pressure, but that is just a guess. If this is the case, that will give me 3.5x/hour going through the sump. Does this sound like it would be enough to keep the tanks running smoothly?
i just pulled a 4300 off my 560g main display and lowered it to a 750 series 4100 from my 240g sump. was trying to get closer to 3-5x in sump
On my 390 I'm currently setting up, I'm using a Dart on a 125 sump, which may be a lot of flow for that size, but I chose it because I'm also using 2 Darts for closed loops. I can throttle back the sump return, and still have 2 backup pumps available if needed.
You don't need alought of turn over you want your skimmer to do it"s job in the sump so it can return clean water. The turn over rate need's to be with power heads ,closed loop's ect.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8824900#post8824900 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Greg 45
You don't need alought of turn over you want your skimmer to do it"s job in the sump so it can return clean water. The turn over rate need's to be with power heads ,closed loop's ect.
I agree totally no reason to waste the electric that way.

I am going with a resirq skimmer so wanted to lower my overflow #'s
Since you are going to have sps in one tank I would think thats a bit low, what else are you planning on for circulation inside the tanks, closed loops, tunze, ?

I have the hammerhead which is 5500gph but it is throttled down to I am guessing about 4000 gph. Which total volume of system sitting around 600 that give me a 6.6 turnover per hour, so double what you are thinking.
I am planning on Tunze 6200's x3 in the 470g tank and Tunze 6100's x2 in the 375g tank. The larger tank is going to be for acropora, the smaller tank for LPS and softies.

I really do not want a LOT of flow through the sump for a couple of reasons. One, it cost a lot for the larger pumps, two, it is not necessary. If I can do 3-4x/hr tank turnover, I am thinking I can adequately heat the water and skim the system.

The key here is what the SEQ4300 will do after all of the plumbing is done with runs and 45/90 degree fittings. I do plan on running 2" pipe from the pipe all the way to the tanks, then reducing it to 1.5" for the tank returns.

I suppose I will only know when I get it all plumbed out.
Whats the intake size on the pump? I figured out after getting the hammerhead that even though I had 2" all the way to the pump, only haveing a 1 1/2" intake caused the microbubbles

So how close are you to having the tanks wet?
i do 6x tank turn over tank to sump flow. and have something like 20x in-tank turnover.

i like a lot of skimming turnover in the sump which is like 30x turnover in skimmer/sump combo.

i use a beckett skimmer. ;)
Just determine the skimmer feed rate and give it an extra 10-20% over that. That will give you the most efficiency of the skimmer as well as a lot less power use and cash outlay on the pump.
The answer is: it depends. It depends on what you do in your sump. If you have no chiller or heaters, then you can run as little as 2x through your sump and be just fine. If you ahve a chiller or heater in your sump, then the turn over rate makes a difference. Too much and your chiller/heater works allt he time due to inefficiency. Too little and you get a big temperature difference between the sump and tank.

I currently have a 750g tank with a 150g sump. All of my associated equipment is in the sump. So is the chiller. I am turning over currently about 2.5-3 times. However, I think that to be more efficient, I should have about 5 times the tank's volume.

Flow is a completely different thing. For that, I do have close loops and tunzes.
That is kind of what I am worried about with having two large glass tanks in the basement>>>temperature control. I want the system to be heated adequately and not sure if the 3200-3600gph that I get from the pump will be enough to keep the tanks at the proper temp. I guess I will start with this pump that I have and see how it does...I can always sell it and buy larger I guess.

I was wanting to keep both electricity costs down and also turbulence/micro-bubbles under control.

Thanks for all the great information.
Um, I have 5000gph going in my 55gal. Thats not with one pump, in fact my return pump is rated at 800gph, the rest is all in the tank or closed looped.

And most days I still would like to have more flow, I just can't figure out where its gonna come from or go to. LOL


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8854541#post8854541 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rickyfins
Um, I have 5000gph going in my 55gal. Thats not with one pump, in fact my return pump is rated at 800gph, the rest is all in the tank or closed looped.

And most days I still would like to have more flow, I just can't figure out where its gonna come from or go to. LOL



He was referrring to through the sump, not total tank turnover. You can never have enough turnover inside the tank with sps. He want's to make sure enough water volume goes through that the heater and chiller can do thier job on the main display.
I have somewhere around 7000 gph in my 280g. So that makes it about 25X per hour. Through the sump is about 4000. So that's about 14X

Oh, Ok, I have 800gph going through my sump without any problems. I actually like it slower through the sump so the water has good contact time to media and macro algae. No problems with heating or cooling.

I would put the chiller on a closed loop that way there is no problem with fouling the water inside the chamber. This will boost tank gph and keep the water moving through the chiller even when it is not in use.


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8854670#post8854670 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by geofloors
I have somewhere around 7000 gph in my 280g. So that makes it about 25X per hour. Through the sump is about 4000. So that's about 14X


if it works great , but thats a little high for what we are talking about george
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8854655#post8854655 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DrBDC
You can never have enough turnover inside the tank with sps.

That is not true. It is a misconception. I can tell you that there is such a thing as too much flow inside a tank even for SPS. I've had to cut back on the flow and change some of my flow patterns because it was indeed too much flow. The corals start spreading sideways and encrusting a ton with little concentration in branching up. Some corals get stunted in their growth too, and I am not talking about flow directed at the coral either. At least that is my experience. SPS do love water flow, but I think they more so hate stagnant water. I've seen tanks with hardly any water flow growing tremendous corals with gorgeous colors, so as always, it is not about one thing.:lol: :lol:
I have a dart that feeds my 600gal display from a 150gal sump... I am pushing about 2200-2400gph (about 4x turnover)...

In the display I can have about 45x turnover with my 4x6200s and 2x6100s... I don't run all 6 Tunzes full blast 24/7 so I would guess my avg turnover is more like 20x for the display...

Nanook, If the Seq 4300 does not work out for you maybe you can look into getting two Darts... If you have two return pumps and one goes down both of your tanks are not down and out (and if you have a 3rd dart for a quick swap out)... A single dart will push 2800gph at 4ft... If you run dual darts you would only add about 50-80 watts since the 4300 runs at 225w...