what killed my xoos?


New member
First colony i ever tried. I have 640watts of VHO about 8" off the top of the water and the zoos were about 6" under the water. I know my parameters are good. The flow made their whiskers move back and forth but they werent getting hammered with direct flow from a head. Any suggestions?
If you put them directly that close to the light.... you probably light shocked the hell out of them.

Always start them all the way at the bottom, then gradually move them up as time goes. Gives them chance to acclimate to the lighting of your tank.
arrgg...here i was thinking they were a high light animal...what a rookie mistake. Thanks. There are a few polyps left so there is a prayer.
I have a colony in very high light.
They are also at the highest point in my tank directly under 14k 400w MH and have been placed there since Day 1, so it just varies from colony to colony i guess.
you were lucky. very few take high high light right away.

Btw- how high was your light from the tank and how close were the polyps close to the waters surface.