I had an outbreak of this stuff once. It darn near took over the tank. I found that I could control it by "siphoning" it out with my gravel cleaner when I did water changes kept it under control. It finally went away and hasn't come back yet.
Just a quick update. It appears that the Rabbitfish is indeed eating this pest algae. I have seen it several times eating the Dictyota and the large ball of it has gone down in size!
Yeah, saw the site earlier and wondered about whether they "substitute" thinking, "The buyer will never know!".
...if so, poor practice, IMO. Would make me mad if I ordered one fish and got another...especially if I could have gotten the same fish locally. :mad2:
Either way, good luck with him. I know what you're going thru (or COULD be going thru if left unchecked). :eek1:
The last time I cleared it out maunally I had a bunch of little pieces that ended up floating all over my tank. Spent an hour chasing them all down so the didn't take hold else where. Don't want to have to do that again.
I figure he will eventually take care of this as the ball of it gets a little smaller each day. Plus it like an automatic feeder for him.
i have something that has similar growth to this algae! it came from florida and is red colored. it grows slow to medium. compaired to the calupera, it grows very slow lol. its very pretty as well. i have it growing in a clump around my rock anemone to fill in that space.
i just break off braches and super glue it to a little rock and make a bush then place the bush next to the anemone. works great as a filler.
Well my Rabbitfish had this stuff under controll for the most part. I noticed that the Rabbitfish was starting to get thin and it didn't touch the nori I put in the tank. So I went online and ordered some macro algae to keep him happy. Unfortunately the day that the algae arrived the Rabbitfish died.
Now the Dictyota Algae is coming back with a vengence. Dictyota sucks! Going to have to get another Rabbitfish and have additional Macro algae available to keep him healthy this time.
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