What kind of light are you using?

What kind of light are you using?

  • T5HO

    Votes: 13 19.4%
  • Normal Output Flourescent

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Power Compact

    Votes: 23 34.3%
  • Metal Halide

    Votes: 24 35.8%
  • other

    Votes: 6 9.0%

  • Total voters
I thought it would be interesting to see what everyone is using on there softy tanks, especially since there is a lot of confusion, myths, etc. about what is acceptable for softies. I'll start out by saying Tek T5 4x54w 2 daylight and 2 actinic. I'm not exactly sure, cause I bought the light used. oh and I dont have any corals yet, but that is the light I will be using. Go ahead and post pics if ya want.
(2)-75W VHO's-(1)-Actinic 03 URI, and (1)-other URI that escapes me. One of the non actinic URI's is more pink than the other. I have the less pink one...
I picked other because VHOs are not listed. This is my preferred lighting for LPS and SPS dominated tanks. I tried T5s for a year and went back to VHOs. For SPS dominate tanks I have used every MH wattages over the years except 1000Wers.
I'm running

2 150w 20k MH's
2 65w 10k PC's
2 65w Actinics

I was scared that the 20k + Actinics would be to blue so I added another 2 65w 10k Bulbs but after firing up my bulbs the tank doesnt look blue at all and I plan on shutting of the 2 10k PC's
6x54w T5

I used to use VHO but cost was a factor and the bulbs do not last as long as T5, but the VHO color is better. The new UVL T5's are supposed to replicate VHO, but no one has really done any tests yet as they just came out.