What lighting does a hairy shroom need?


New member
I just recently got lighting set up for my tank i could not pass up... im a college student so im kinda strapped for cash..
i know its out of date but i got some retrofit PC's 4 bulbs 2 antics... ballast and all for like 70$ not sure the K's but its on my 40g B with 2 Clowns..
i want to put in a hairy shroom and a few othe shroom will this be ok lighting?
I kept a hairy mushroom under PC (4x65 - half actinic and 6400K) in a 75 gallon tank. I also had shrooms and all did very well (as well as propogated). I did upgrade to T5's a while back and it was well worth it.....so maybe a little more detail on the lights to be more exact, but in general if the wattage and K's are good, the PC should work well...good luck.
thank you very much for your response but what other info do you need?? the lights are retro fit.. so how high should i hang the mabouve the tank and my tank is established about a year 1/2 going used to be FOWLR... lights are 48inch long.... longer than my tank..
was looking for the watts and K's and your tank size...............all of those would be helpful...sounds like you must have a 55 or 75G if you have 48" lamps. Once again, ballparking here, but if you have 4 lamps over a 55/75 you should be good for a hairy mushroom. Not sure about the height question. I have mine resting on the tank (with glass top to protect the fixture) itself under a canapy. For me, the closer to tank the more effective the light, but that is my unscientific thought....however, I do like the look of a tank with lights hanging over the tank (usually MH) and the ripples of light in the tank, but I would think you would need something like MH to get away with any real distance above tank....
...going used to be FOWLR...
A FOWLR tank wouldn't have mushrooms. Or any corals. Any light would do. :)

For what it's worth, the lighting you upgraded to is fine for mushrooms at most depths, but I'd start them lower and move them up to make sure they aren't stressed right away.

Lol used to = past tense so now I'm turning it into a reef .... But sorry it took so long to respond spring football is tuff lol
college student? Spring football? just get a booster to buy you a proper hood with lights!:lmao:
just kidding in case the most corrupt sports authority in the world is watching...National Collection of Athelete's Assets
Lol lol lol lol that just made my day...... But I'm going about this the honest way lol but I'm sure after a bit of research my lights will do.... But the funny part is that I'm in toledo ohio and ohio state is were all that boostering took place... But the un official rule is dont talk about boosters lol