What lighting would be best in my case


New member

Iam having a problem deciding what light to choose for my tank. Tank dimnstions are 80 x 55 w x 60 h cm ( NOT INCHES)

My cuurent lighting system is 2 x 150w and am looking for a pendant right now. However, should I go with a single 250w 10xm bulb (NO supplemnts). Any suggestions are welcome.
oh yeah..... I want SPS.
Do you think that a single 400w will do it?

I was looking into this

reef optic1

with xm 15k . However I now have two quastions,

1. is this enough for keeping AND growing sps with my setup?
2. what ballast would you guys recommend?
two reasons, no fixture for my tank lentgh expet for 2 x pendents which is going to be expensive and i like the look of one clean pendet above the tank.

you think my idea will not work?
xm15Ks suck.

is that 30" by 18" by 24"?

Something like a lumenmax or lumenarc would work well. You'd only need a 250.

that would be about 31" x 21" x 21" ..about 62g

so you think 250w will be enough for for this tank ? am planning on mostly sps.

where can i find the lumenmax or lumenarc pendent?

what bulb would you recommend...please keep in mind that am not supplementing with anything.
