what macro for a Canon Eos Digital?


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RC Mod
I have a bowfront tank, which kind of limits what I can do re photos, but the only lens I have is an all-purpose zoom. I'm starting to hint around for a macro, but need to have an idea what macro. Any suggestions.
Thanks, guys! I'm going to have to save pennies for that one, but I trust your recommendations better than I do the camera store's.
Just for fun, what did the camera store recommend? I am saving for the canonn 100 mm macro as well, I need all the help I can get.
The camera store wanted to sell me a Sigma. Which I have heard good things about. But I think I'll hold out for the Canon. I've been very happy with the Canon lens I have. It's just better suited for landscapes than coral closeups.
Before I got my Canon 100mm I used a friend's Sigma 100mm macro (or somewhere in the 100mm ballpark) and it was a nice lens, but I couldn't get over how LOUD the focus motor was on it. It may have been an older one though. My new Sigma 100-300mm telephoto has a very quiet motor. Not a USM by any stretch, but quiet.