What made you get into the Photography hobby?


New member
This thought came to me a little while ago and made me wonder if something someone saw inspired them or did someone buy you a camera as a present and it took off from there.

Whats your story?
I saw all of the cool pictures that people were posting on here :) That inspired me to get a decent digi cam and start learning how to use it.
I used to do Web site work, and I had a site dedicated to a local Supermodified racing club (asphalt circle tracks). Obviously, a racing site without photos sucks, and I spent the entire first year begging everyone to submit photos. When it wouldn't happen, I decided to do it on my own.

I borrowed my mom's Canon F1 (full manual EVERYTHING) and 75-300mm manual focus lens and just used it. Never had an ounce of training. I used to shoot 7 rolls per night, and it took 4 races before I had a photo worth using. :D


Then I got a newer SLR, Canon eLan 7. Auto focus was my new friend. OH MAN! Shots starting coming out better and better, and I purchased my first lens, a knock-off 100-400mm. I'll never buy a cheap lens again. But I've shot so many rolls through that lens. My wife is also a docent at the local zoo, so I spent a lot of time shooting animals, as well.

This last summer, I broke down and went digital. I was real hesitant, but I was also headed to Hawaii for 10 days, and knew I'd spend half the cost of the new camera, just in film! So now I use a Canon 20D. I miss some of the things film could do, but there's nothing like instant gratification and re-do-mistakes features. And the cost! I shot over 1300 photos in Hawaii! Try that, film lovers!


The biggest difference has been in the tank. I've taken over 4000 shots of my little tank. That would be so cost prohibitive with film. So here I am. :D

Beautiful pics !!!

Yea I read in my new book that the cost of film compared to digial would actually in the long run cost wayyyyy more than going digital.

I guess that pic is from Hawaii? I would have to print that and put it on the wall. Such a great shot.
I got into photography to take photos of insects and other natural stuff.

Been shooting for 6 years, 1.5y of digital and 4.5y of film. When I shot film, it was 98% slides, Provia, Velvia, Sensia and Astia, I have a dedicated film scanner to digitise them. I see myself shooting till someone prys my 100mp 1Dsmk10 from my cold dead fingers :D
I used to do a lot of flyfishing for trout- and for the most part trout live in the midst of beautiful scenery. I really wanted to capture some of that scenery on film but the cheapo camera I had, plus my complete ignorance of photography kept me from getting anything decent. There was a particular moment in the fall of 1996... I was fishing in southwest Colorado and it had rained so much all the rivers in the Rockies were muddy- so instead of fishing I found myself on a scenic drive. One evening I hiked out to a point where there was a magnificent view of a giant snow-capped mountain draped with golden aspens at the peak of fall color, the sky blood red at sunset... and my camera stopped working :( I decided then and there to buy a good camera and learn how to use it.
So basically I swapped the addiction of flyfishing for an equally addictive photography hobby :p
My kids are the number 1 motivation for photography. When each of them was born, I took more than 500 pics during the 3 days in the hospital.
Number 2 motivation is seeing all the wonderful pictures everyone else is taking.
My uncle gave me a Minolta SLR and lenses when I was in high school so I took some Photography classes in high school but when I was in collage some one stoll my minolta. Since then I've been just shooting snap shots but last summer I bought a Canon 350D and I started to get into it again. I won't reveal my age but I'm pretty old now and I can affored this hobby on my own so I'll see where it goes from here.
The quest for better tank photos are what started it for me. My hobbies have a tendency to "snow-ball" and photography was no exception. :)