What magnetic algae cleaner do you use?


New member
Hi there,
Im inreasingly finding that cleaning the acrylic on my tank is becoming a pain in the neck - literally! At 33" deep I can barely reach the bottom. To prevent scratches I have been cleaning it with a plastic Starbucks payment card which works a treat for getting rid o coraline but gives me neck ache and involves getting very wet.

Basically, what magnetic cleaners do you use on your acrylic tanks? My acrylic tank walls are an inch thick.

The only ones ive seen for sale so far that look good are the Mag-Float 510A and the Magnavore 10 but are there others?

-Cheers lots for the help!

Hi Bob,

I am using this one


It work great; since it has serveral different pads you can switch out/use. I have try Magfloat, Magnavore, AlgeaFree - I luv mighty magnet.

My tank is 36" tall and 1" thick acrylic.

Cheers for that - I took a look at the website; I really like the different pads that come with it. I might need to double check the postage to the UK (It seems impossible to buy aquarium magnets of that size over here - and most aquariums in the UK are glass so Acrylic-safe ones are even rarer.)

Cheers for the help :-)

Well, I took the plunge and got an FH-8 which should do the trick plus my own weight in replacement cleaning pads.

Cheers for the help!
