What powerhead to use in a 24g NC to support SPS?

Laz A

In Memoriam
I was thinking a Korellia 1... Im open to other brands aswell. Id like to have an SPS dominant tank with LPS / Zoa accents.

The difficulty you'll see with keeping SPS in a 24g cube isn't going to be a lack of flow (though it is something to be considered) but will be in keeping parameters stable, especially if you've got an open top (lots of fast evaporation) and halides (evaporates water and has higher temperatures, which leads to bigger temp swings which are damaging as well).
2 600gph powerheads isnt too much flow for a 24g tank? Im thinking itll knock my fish out and corals off the rocks lol.
If you want to keep SPS I say go with as much flow as you can possibly handle. If it is too much flow for you then limit yourself to certain less flow demanding species of SPS. If you can go bare bottom in the cube then go ahead, it would mean you could add more flow! I personally am not one fore the bare bottom look but I do have trouble keping my sand bed in place. With two of the 600GPH Koralia you would roughly have 50X Turnover in the tank which is more than sufficient I would say. I have about 60x turnover in my tank which is way too much but I am weird like that LOL. The idea behind all the flow is to have the SPS polyps able to catch and feed from the nutrients in the water column as well as have detritus and other crap make its way to the skimmer to be filtered out.

Also as Eric mentioned you are going to have a hard time keeping parameters stable with all of the evaporation you are going to experience. I would invest in a really good top-off system before you add any corals. Next would be controlling your water temp. You might be able to get away with a desk fan but this increases the evap, so maybe a small thermo electric chiller may help.

Also remember that this is a Nano so fitting a decent sized skimmer may be a problem as well. Maybe the Tunze 9002 Nano skimmer might fit in one of the chambers with a little bit of modding.

It can be done, you just need to plan everything first.


I second the Tunze..I just got one for a 30 g tank and it's working great...can't believe how much crap is coming out even though I have the right params
i know someone with a cube either the 24 or the 29...one of those tanks...he's got 2 tunze 6025's awesome flow. no sandstorm.