What should I keep a look out for?


New member
Since I have added my Live rock I have seen lots of creatures that I do not even know. I know most are ok but I guess there are some reall nasties that are not good for my reef tank and was wondering if some of the members could give me a list of a few of the ones I should know about.

I saw last night when the lights where out a green worm that seemed to have dark blue strips and was about 15 cm long and moved very slowly. Anybody know what this might be and should I be worried?

Thanks for all the info guys.

I will try nad take a picture of it as I could not find it.

Well I might of but it was in a picture for another creature I think. If you look at xtalworld website there is the peperment snail and there is a green long thing in the pic (I do not think this is it as they refer to a shell and that is the other sanil in the pic) and that looks very similar to what I saw.
thats a mini britle starfish. great to have and a cool creature to watch when you get to see them. they stay small! theres a better pic on melevs site. they are more greyish to white in color.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6494777#post6494777 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Paintbug
thats a mini britle starfish. great to have and a cool creature to watch when you get to see them. they stay small! theres a better pic on melevs site. they are more greyish to white in color.

Yea it is not that then.

It is long just like a earth worm, well it is a worm :).
bristle worm maybe? they look like underwater centipedes. they come in lots of colors as well. do they come out only at night?