What size breaker


Active member
What size breaker do you all use on your tanks? And what size tank do you have? Im going to be setting up this 210g and I want to run it to its own breaker. I know I need to install a gfi also. I cant get the gfi breaker for the pannel I have in my home. I have the ****ty zinsco breakers
Depending on how far the tank is from your breaker box, I would go with #12 wire to a 20 amp breaker. for a 210 I would run 2 lines to be safe. I have 4 dedicated 20 amps on my 560/g which looking back is a lot. I wanted half my lights ( I have 4 400's watt lights ) on one circuit 2 on another and my pumps split on the other two. my thought process is I didn't want my pumps on the same circuit or my lights all on one circuit incase one pops. hope that helps.remember you only want to go to 80% of a breakers value so its not as much as it sounds.

Remember I'm not a electrician and you should contact a licenced electrician or engineer before doing anything.
Two different circuits is definitely a good idea. GFCI's a must as you stated. Now, 2 15 amp circuits would be "Ok", with 2 20 amp circuits best. 14 ga. wire for 15 amp and 12 ga. for the 20 amp. As nyvp said I split my lights and pumps over both the circuits I run for my tank. Return pump on one circuit, close loop pumps on the other.