What to do? Have some surprise polyps showing up?


New member
Hey guys I'm new to the whole zoanthid thing, I have had my tank set up for about 18 months and have been taking things pretty slow. I have always wanted to get into keeping lots of different zoos in my tank, as I find them very intriguing. So long story short a couple of weeks ago I picked up this rock with a lot of what I think are watermelons and some other type on it. After a few days in my tank some light blue larger polyps stated to poke through, now they are really taking off and staring to overtake the smaller zoos. So what is the best course of action here?



Ive actually applied some aptasia x ( i think its called that its purple) to them to kill them in small batches. they will take over completel.y
I believe those are protopalythoas, and I know they grow fast and choke out other corals. Boiling water or aip x or a similar product will do the trick