I'll try to get some pics tomorrow when the lights are on. I'm running a 20 gallon high and a 14 gallon, so I don't have tons of room. I have pink xenia that is taking over and bothering some of my SPS, so I prune it back just about every week. The palys are not very colorful, just typical bluish brown ones. I have blue, red, and green mushrooms that drop off babies all the time. And I have pink birdsnest that likes to branch out so I just took out about 9/10 of the colony and gave it to my brother. My refugium puts out a softball size ball of chaeto and gracilaria every week in excess. I don't have lots to get rid of at the moment, I'm more just wanting to know what people do with their leftovers here in Memphis. I can make a post in a couple of weeks to give away what I have when I get enough.
I'm a little weary posting here because my wife was banned permanently from RC a couple years ago for selling/trading frags with her local reef club through RC, even though she was a premium member. I don't want a similar fate.