What to do with excess corals/macroalgae?


New member
Is there anywhere I can donate/give away corals and macroalgae that I don't have room for here in Memphis? Or do any of the LFS here give store credit? I throw away chaeto, gracilaria, xenia, birdsnest, mushrooms and palythoas every couple of weeks because I just don't have the room for them and they grow so fast. I hate to just throw them out but I have to make room for other colonies.
I'll try to get some pics tomorrow when the lights are on. I'm running a 20 gallon high and a 14 gallon, so I don't have tons of room. I have pink xenia that is taking over and bothering some of my SPS, so I prune it back just about every week. The palys are not very colorful, just typical bluish brown ones. I have blue, red, and green mushrooms that drop off babies all the time. And I have pink birdsnest that likes to branch out so I just took out about 9/10 of the colony and gave it to my brother. My refugium puts out a softball size ball of chaeto and gracilaria every week in excess. I don't have lots to get rid of at the moment, I'm more just wanting to know what people do with their leftovers here in Memphis. I can make a post in a couple of weeks to give away what I have when I get enough.

I'm a little weary posting here because my wife was banned permanently from RC a couple years ago for selling/trading frags with her local reef club through RC, even though she was a premium member. I don't want a similar fate.
I'd be interested in some of those shrooms, birds nest, palys and xenia. This frag tank is a week away from being hungry for corals.
I bet you'll have no problem giving them away to local reefers. When you get more than 50 posts you shouldnt have to worry about being banned but if youre giving stuff away for free then I dont think you need to worry regardless of how many posts you have.
I wouldn't throw anything away as "free corals" will get a lot of attention. Yes, the local fish stores may take it if it is something they want. I sold some to a LFS for what I thought was a pretty fair price, but they didn't seem too excited about doing it for some reason. The lady acted like they would rather not and had a little bit of an attitude, but maybe she was just having a bad day. I noticed they market it up 100% and sold all of it in a week so we both made out well. I ended up selling the rest on craigslist.

I am always interested in trying something new so you can could me on your list of not too proud to take free corals person. I would be careful about trading/selling until you have the 50 posts. I received an infraction for trying to trade some left over LR, but the time and posts went by quickly and I am a happy complying RC member.

I have the extremely rare kenya trees :strange:that I would be happy to trade for anything...that goes for xenia too...