New member
Excess livestock and macro that is! (The whole hobby could be called an 'excess', at least per my wife). So the amusing situation I find myself in now is some of the macro I've got (red hayi) is growing wildly. Had a baseball sized portion about 2-3 months ago that is now basketball sized. Already broke it up a bit so have a good 3-4 portions I"m going to likely sell on the Propagation forum soon, but...
One of my new seahorses is also pregnant! Way sooner than I had planned, naturally, so this made me wonder: Are there any stores in the area that will take them (buy or for store credit)? I'm not even sure how many I'll have survive from the very first batch I do, but for 'down the road', its something I figure I want to get lined up ASAP. I'm in Williamsport, so will likely check the one downtown first, but what of others in the area? Anyone have any experience with them in that regard? I'll probably offer them in general first, of course, in case any members are looking for seahorses (and if they all live), but at this point I'm starting to go into "get things ready ASAP" mode.
One of my new seahorses is also pregnant! Way sooner than I had planned, naturally, so this made me wonder: Are there any stores in the area that will take them (buy or for store credit)? I'm not even sure how many I'll have survive from the very first batch I do, but for 'down the road', its something I figure I want to get lined up ASAP. I'm in Williamsport, so will likely check the one downtown first, but what of others in the area? Anyone have any experience with them in that regard? I'll probably offer them in general first, of course, in case any members are looking for seahorses (and if they all live), but at this point I'm starting to go into "get things ready ASAP" mode.