What to do with tank during home improvements


New member
So I knew this day would be coming eventually. I can finally start renovating the house now that the girl is done with school (didn't want noise and mess while studying). I have to do something with my 7 foot aquarium though. All the ceilings and floors are being redone along with a bunch of other stuff. My main problem is it's just too big to move anywhere for short periods of time. So any suggestions? Should I maybe get a smaller tank I can stick in my room for the fish and the little coral I have and take down the big tank for a couple months? Take it down for good sell it and wait until remodel is done then order a new tank and start over? Anyone ever go through this process? I feel like if I empty the tank I'm losing years of established life.
I think your options are going to depend on how deep your pockets are. I would setup something small like you said but find somewhere to store the tank. Starting over is just a waste unless you want something completely different. I will be happy to find a good home for your coral.
I'm in a similar situation however I am planning the remodel around the 7ft tank. The other room is being done specifically for the tank. It's just going to really really suck trying to move it across the house
I guess the thing is I would eventually like to build a new tank. One designed specifically for my needs. But I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. I will be selling this house in a few years so I thought I'd wait till then for the next tank. I think I might go the route of a smaller tank. I can put this tank on the back patio which would be an easier move.
i hear you can slide a 265 full of water around the house with spray pam. maybe take half the water out though.
I did some renovations last year, and completely sealed off the tank floor to ceiling with plastic during the messy parts. Didn't have any issues. Obviously it depends on the circumstances of the renovation. If I need to fix the wall behind my tank, I would just leave that till I move out.
Problem is my tank sits in the middle of the house under tall caulted ceiling. The entire ceiling is being scraped and retextured. I thought maybe I could cover the tank but I don't think it'd be healthy for the fish. I might be able to do the kitchen first, move tank into the kitchen. Then move it back. Just seems like a big undertaking
sounds like that might be the safest option, but could you run a fresh air line to skimmer from outside and then put barrier around entire tank, front and back, would have to run w/o lights due to poss heat issues ?
It's a reef but I'm not a very good reefer so I only have a few soft corals for a big tank. About 8 fish. I have kept it light since I knew I'd be moving this tank at some point
Temporarily you could cover it like that, but I wouldn't run it that way for more than a day or two.

I would get a rubbermaid tub for the livestock that you can put somewhere for the duration of the remodel, then set the tank back up when you're done. If you only have a few soft corals and fish you should be able to do this without any casualties, provided you cover the stock tank.