What to put between glass tank and stand?


New member
Hi guys,

Been out of the game for about 10 years. Just ordered a tank and violins my stand. What is everyone putting between the plywood and glass tank? I think I put pink foam under my acrylic tank, but not sure about glass?



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If the tank has a plastic trim you don't need anything.
If the glass itself rests on the stand then a Styrofoam is required.
Thanks, it's a eurobraced glass tank from SC aquariums. So there's no plastic.

How thick of foam? 1/2" or 3/4"?



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If you bought it from SCA, it will come with the appropriate Styrofoam board to put between the tank and stand.
If you bought it from SCA, it will come with the appropriate Styrofoam board to put between the tank and stand.

Great. Does that come under the tank when they ship it I assume?



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Yes, mine came in the box with the tank. Almost threw it away as I thought it was just part of the packing.

Mine had a faux wood grain finish to it, thats how I figured out is was for the top of the stand. :thumbsup:
Yes, mine came in the box with the tank. Almost threw it away as I thought it was just part of the packing.

Mine had a faux wood grain finish to it, thats how I figured out is was for the top of the stand. :thumbsup:

Oh nice! Thanks I'll make sure to save it. What size tank did you get from him?


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