What type of critters for a macroalgae refugium?


New member
I'm almost finished with my 220g build... it has an 80g refugium which will be filled with 6 inches of sand and lots of macroalgae. It's a "display refugium"... it's not the center of the whole system, but I want it to be something guests look at after they have seen the main tank and walk away impressed.

The three things I want it to accomplish:

1. Nutrient reduction, both through the DSB and macroalgae.

2. Pod production.

3. Looks good.

The live sand is going to be from Tampa Bay Saltwater, so I expect it to be full of worms and pods, etc. What I am wondering is what kind of other life can exist in the refugium without compromising the goals I have for it.

Can anyone think of fish, shrimp, crabs, etc., which would harmonize with it? My main worry is that some of them might eat up all the pods before they get to the display tank.
If you want diversity, IPSF has some good packages selling little critters such as bristleworms. If you are already ordering from TBS, then I would get some rock from them also. It will be packed with tons of little beneficial critters.

Macroalgae is pretty easy. GCE sells a pretty good diversity of macro, and ordering a couple of their samplers will get you a good variety. If you want pods, you could get some ulva, because pods love that stuff. Otherwise, I think rock, macro, and sand will be fine to get a good population going.

As far as looking good, GCE sells some decorative macro, and so does LA Reefs. You could also try some seagrass.

Cerith snails are great, because they are small enough to climb on macro to clean it. A fish like a dwarf angel might be good, because you wouldn't need to trim your macros as much, or at all.
Yeah, I am getting "The Package" from TBS, so there will be live rock available.

I am half tempted to do something like a Frogfish or a Mantis Shrimp... something that won't pick on the pod population. Has anyone had success with something like that?
I know those things are popular in display refugiums because you can't keep them in a normal reef tank. Just be aware that you probably won't get to keep any other fish, but otherwise a mantis or frogfish should do well.
I'd like to add some macro algae to my sump, I'm trying to control some green hair algae in my DT. Gulf Coast Ecosystems looks to have a good reputation, has anyone gotten their Refugium Starter with sand. Or should I stick with only chaetomorpha in the sump.
I'd like to add some macro algae to my sump, I'm trying to control some green hair algae in my DT. Gulf Coast Ecosystems looks to have a good reputation, has anyone gotten their Refugium Starter with sand. Or should I stick with only chaetomorpha in the sump.

I think the refugium pack is more for display refugiums. I would just tumble some chaeto. A few questions, how big is your fuge, how big is your tank, and what light do you have over the fuge?
I have a 90 gallon DT, with a 75 gallon sump holding about 30 gallons. The fuge is 12" x 18" (should have made it a little bigger). I'm planning on using a single LED 5000K W/500 lumens 8 watts.