I didnt really finished reading the VitC thread, so not sure what they are using, but i'm using pure VitC powder from the Vitamin shoppe. i kind of use the thread's formula to give me an approximate dosage amount, but i'm just guessing really.
i'm using this here.
here is my short story.
before VitC and trace dosing
zoa's ok, some growing, some not, some just closed most of the time. Nitrade 10-20, some time more if i over feed. cant get it down, even if i feed once every 2 days. red slim and other algae here and there, but nothing to be concern, but still there.
after 2 weeks of VitC
nothing changes, even see more red slim and algae, (wanted to stop dosing)
But like everything else in this hobby, patient is virtue. so i keep at it.
after 1 month, saw the red slim and algae disappearing. checked the nitrate and it was 0. first time in a long time =) didnt really see much affect on Zoas.
been over 2 months now, and the last few zoas i put in there grew, my last batch of zoas i put in, 2-3 weeks now. grew from, 1 to 4 polyps, 5 to 7 polyps, 1 to 2 polyps, 1 to 3 polyps, it varies, but definitely growing faster than before i dosed.