What was the best additive or food you offer to your zoa tank?

A. Grandis

Active member
Title says it all.
Do you have a product that helped your zoas to reproduce or show better?
I kinda want to open a thread to hear from you and keep a list of stuff to try.
Title says it all.
Do you have a product that helped your zoas to reproduce or show better?
I kinda want to open a thread to hear from you and keep a list of stuff to try.

Light. I also hear Vitamin C helps growth and color.
Light. I also hear Vitamin C helps growth and color.

Yes, I do too.
Well, my opinion is that maybe it wouldn't hurt. Nobody can prove yet the use of vitamin C for the cnidarians yet.
But this thread is not ONLY for vitamin C. There is a thread for that.
I prefer to read about other stuff, food or not.

Regardless of what, if you know for sure, let us know of anything that can improve our zoas.

Very interesting topic.

I like adding a little selcon to the water column every 2 days. I haven't done any scientific analysis to evaluate this, however. I was under the impression that zoas pull nutrients fro
the water column rather than ingesting large prey.

I will never dose vit c again. It nearly wiped out my zoa population. My conclusion was that vit c is a carbon source, but to what capacity is not known. The experimental nature of the dosing caused a very swift bacteria bloom in my tank. I would much rather dose carbon with tried and true vodka and vinegar.
For palys, protopalys, parazoanthus, grandis that show prey catching ability and feeding response, I feed them soft sinking krill pellets. Some also grab the floating mysis/brine/cyclopeeze floating around during feeding.

As for zoanthids I just make sure the water chemistry is stable, good flow and strong lighting.

I do dose selcon once in a while, and other filter feeder type food. Reef roids etc.

I don't dose that buffered vitaC from the vitaC thread as that nearly wasted my whole reef as it cause horrible results. Raised my alk to the high 20's lots 98% for my corals. People do get good results, some none, while some select few like my self and Akwarius, will never touch that thing ever again. Still have 2 bottles of that lying in my garage unused. it affects your alk and pH. Just my own experience, dose it if you like and just make sure you CONSTANTLY monitor your tank.
i dose VitC and stronium and other trace elements. good results, not sure why the others are having bad result with VitC tho, i dose 1 tspn of VitConce a day for my ~300Gal system. Stronium and trace elements once a week. one cap full. stuff are growing pretty fast, faster than before dosing.
I didnt really finished reading the VitC thread, so not sure what they are using, but i'm using pure VitC powder from the Vitamin shoppe. i kind of use the thread's formula to give me an approximate dosage amount, but i'm just guessing really.

i'm using this here.


here is my short story.
before VitC and trace dosing
zoa's ok, some growing, some not, some just closed most of the time. Nitrade 10-20, some time more if i over feed. cant get it down, even if i feed once every 2 days. red slim and other algae here and there, but nothing to be concern, but still there.

after 2 weeks of VitC
nothing changes, even see more red slim and algae, (wanted to stop dosing)

But like everything else in this hobby, patient is virtue. so i keep at it.

after 1 month, saw the red slim and algae disappearing. checked the nitrate and it was 0. first time in a long time =) didnt really see much affect on Zoas.

been over 2 months now, and the last few zoas i put in there grew, my last batch of zoas i put in, 2-3 weeks now. grew from, 1 to 4 polyps, 5 to 7 polyps, 1 to 2 polyps, 1 to 3 polyps, it varies, but definitely growing faster than before i dosed.
I feed my paly's brine shrimp, some types will take 2 brines a day. the rest 1, but all the paly's accept it. Zoa's don't accept the brine shrimp but they do respond to some dried phyto. I just shut down all water movement and target feed the zoas right onto their oral disk. When targeting that close though, use tank water in the syringe and make sure the temp is the same.
Hey, thanks for the posts!! It is so good to hear from other experiences.
I should try Selcon, I guess.
Vitamin C is still kinda scary!
Any other additives or foods that would help zoas in the short or long period of time?
What about amino acids or other type of vitamins besides vitamin C?
Please keep posting.

I don't target feed, but feed my system a good variety of food from a frozen food pack

Ingredients: Astaxanthin, Brine Shrimp, Broccoli, Carrots, Clams, Copepods, Crab, Cuttlefish, Cyclop-eeze, Daphnia, Dulse Flake, Dulse Powder, Eggs (Brine Shrimp, Fish, Prawn, Oyster & Sea Urchin), Kelp Flake, Kelp Powder, Krill, Garlic, Golden Pearls (5 "“ 800 microns), Mussels, Nori, Octopus, Oysters, PE Mysis, Phytoplankton, Prawns, Scallops, Smelt, Spinach, Spirulina, Squid, Vitamins & Minerals

I have been using Vitamin C for about a year and a half now with pretty good success.
I add a ground up frozen mix of this stuff to my tank-

fresh shrimp
PE mysis shrimp
cuttle fish
prawn roe
fomula 2
Omega One Marine Pellets
Omega One Veggie Pellets
Omega One Flakes
Golden Pearls (mix of sizes)
ESV Spray Dried Phytoplankton
Reef Chili
Reef Roids
Zoplan Zoaplankton
Shortly after feeding my skimmer lets of tons of micro bubbles for about an hour- and skims like mad!! Skimate really starts stinkin feeding the way I do!