What will compete with mushrooms?


New member
I have some bullseye mushrooms that have been duplicating like crazy. One ended up right next to a turbinaria coral I have and began killing the edge of the cup...needles to say I had some rearranging to do.

What I'm wandering, is what I could place next to these mushrooms so they don't take over the whole tank, but can hold its own next to the mushrooms.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11766796#post11766796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishy332003
i think as long the mushroom don't block the lighting from other corals.

No, mushrooms will burn/kill other corals and vice versa. I can't think of anything you can put next to a mushroom that won't kill it or be killed by it except for another mushroom.
My bubble coral and anchor coral will sting the heck out of any coral or mushroom that it can reach. The are the kings in my tank.
jus keep the mushrooms with stinging corals like frogspawn, bubbles, elegance, hammers, etc... those will hold its own against mushrooms without any probs...