What would be the ideal set up for ricordeas?


New member
Im in the process of designing my next reef tank and since ricordeas are one of my favorite corals I would like my next set up to help them grow and look amazing.

What type of lighting do they like? strong skimming, average skimming or skimmerless?

Any ideas would be helpfull

THX in advance
I have found that they are not picky and enjoy moderate flow and light along with meaty foods every 4-7 days.
They enjoy the same parameters as other corals, the do not require nothing special. Florida's like mod to high light and low to mod flow. Yumas need to be photo acclimated to lighting of new tank for best chance of survival. They like low/mod flow and meaty foods as well....You would be safe with MH and T-5 or just either one etc....