What would make SPS happiest


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Dosing Alk and Ca with Kalk in the ATO (supplimented with a calciun reactor) or suppling all the tanks needs with the reactor?

Maybe it makes no difference as alk is alk.

Maybe a reactor supplies trace , beneficial elements that kalk doesn't?
Kalk doesn't supply any additional elements other than whatever impurities are in it. I see no real reason to run both unless your reactor can't keep up.
I am considering reducing the reactor and supplimenting with Kalk. My current usage af dKH is about 1.7/day.

I would be doing it to increase the tanks ph. I am not a ph chaser and already am using a CO2 scrubber. I dose a 50/50 vodka/vinegar and PH ranges 7.6 to 7.75
Kalk doesn't supply any additional elements other than whatever impurities are in it. I see no real reason to run both unless your reactor can't keep up.

Certainly true..
However, I run both..
Kalk will help raise ph a bit..
Especially if the co2 from your reactor is pulling it down.
I dose kalk over night.
If you are talking strictly alk, alk is alk but there are benefits to kalk.. also may help bind a little Po4..
Do you have a second chamber on your reactor?

I didn't think of ph just because I don't worry about it too much, as long as it doesn't get too low obviously.

Problem with kalk is it's just not stable enough if you use it in ATO. With a reactor it's probably a lot better.
Definitely better in a reactor..
I do have a second chamber.
I also never really check ph. I have a ph pen that I use sporadically..
if your real question is 'will removing kalk from my system hurt or change anything' I would say no, not to any serious extent.
I wouldn't question stability with kalk dosing. While evaporation rates will vary over the year due to humidity and heating/cooling, the gradual increments make it very stable in my experience.
For mineral replacement, I don't think you can rival a system with both a good calcium reactor setup and dosing Kalk via ato/ stirrer.
I would get as much from the CaRx as you can since it has more in it than just calcium and alk... it has all of the elements that were necessary to build the coral skeletons that you are now dissolving.

This assumes that you are using natural media. Man-made media only has in it what man put in there.
Definately CaRX. I do still use Kalk, but mainly as a way to try to keep the pH from bottoming out - particularly this time of year.
I would get as much from the CaRx as you can since it has more in it than just calcium and alk... it has all of the elements that were necessary to build the coral skeletons that you are now dissolving.

This assumes that you are using natural media. Man-made media only has in it what man put in there.

Using ARM media.
Kalkwasser binds phosphates to calcium phosphates (the higher the pH the more it does so) in addition to increasing pH. So, it is worth considering.
Make sure you have a very reliable ATO if you kalk dose. A local reefer had their ATO run over into their sump and the result wasn't good.