What would you do- Vendor not honoring warranty


Active member
So I got 2 lights from a company that I don't want to name. They came with a year warranty. The first light stopped firing the whites after 4 months. I went to the store I bought it at, they gave me parts to fix it. 3 hours of my time later it worked again.

The second light, 10 months later stops firing the whites. I went to the LFS they gave me the parts to fix it, 5 hours of my time later, didn't ever fire up.

So I email customer service. They tell me to bring the light to an address about 90 minutes away and I can drop it off between 9-5 and they will repair it. So I drive it out, and it is a home in a housing track. No one is home. I have lunch come back, no one is home.

I email back they give me a number to call. The number is for someone who does not work for the company, but kinda knows the guy that owns it. She speaks very little English, she hangs up on me. I get a call back 4 hours later from her husband saying he does not work for the company but he wants my address and I can pay him to fix the light (which is under warranty).

So I hit up the store I bought it at, who knowns the owner of the light company well. He says bring it in, they will get it fixed for me. Apologizes.

So I did. In June. He said it would be a couple weeks. So over the last 7 months I keep hitting him up and getting different answers. One time it is ready and he needs to pick it up, another time it is something else, another time he is shipping me one, a month later he had to order one, a month later it is one the way, Last month it was a new light is being shipped, now it is being shipped by boat from China (even though they claim they are made about 30 miles from me) etc, etc. This is all in writing so... easy to trace time and dates etc. It is January. My tank is half lit. Still.

Now I don't want to ruin someone's business. But I am kinda reaching my limit now. Also given that every product I have bought from them is defective, and they don't honor their warranty, I don't want others to be in the same boat either.

What would you do if you were me?
So I got 2 lights from a company that I don't want to name. They came with a year warranty. The first light stopped firing the whites after 4 months. I went to the store I bought it at, they gave me parts to fix it. 3 hours of my time later it worked again.

The second light, 10 months later stops firing the whites. I went to the LFS they gave me the parts to fix it, 5 hours of my time later, didn't ever fire up.

So I email customer service. They tell me to bring the light to an address about 90 minutes away and I can drop it off between 9-5 and they will repair it. So I drive it out, and it is a home in a housing track. No one is home. I have lunch come back, no one is home.

I email back they give me a number to call. The number is for someone who does not work for the company, but kinda knows the guy that owns it. She speaks very little English, she hangs up on me. I get a call back 4 hours later from her husband saying he does not work for the company but he wants my address and I can pay him to fix the light (which is under warranty).

So I hit up the store I bought it at, who knowns the owner of the light company well. He says bring it in, they will get it fixed for me. Apologizes.

So I did. In June. He said it would be a couple weeks. So over the last 7 months I keep hitting him up and getting different answers. One time it is ready and he needs to pick it up, another time it is something else, another time he is shipping me one, a month later he had to order one, a month later it is one the way, Last month it was a new light is being shipped, now it is being shipped by boat from China (even though they claim they are made about 30 miles from me) etc, etc. This is all in writing so... easy to trace time and dates etc. It is January. My tank is half lit. Still.

Now I don't want to ruin someone's business. But I am kinda reaching my limit now. Also given that every product I have bought from them is defective, and they don't honor their warranty, I don't want others to be in the same boat either.

What would you do if you were me?

To me it sounds like they are the ones ruining their own business.

If what your saying is true IMO you should definitely give up the company's name.
I would suggest that attempting to repair yourself probably voided warranty on the first piece. The second one, I'd go to the LFS and demand a refund and let him deal with the manufacturer himself, if he knows the owner well.
What would I do? See if your LFS can make it right, first, to keep the relationship (if you have one). If not, take it to the BBB.
I would suggest that attempting to repair yourself probably voided warranty on the first piece. The second one, I'd go to the LFS and demand a refund and let him deal with the manufacturer himself, if he knows the owner well.

I agree about voiding the warranty by repairing it yourself.
Wait - so half of your tank has been dark for 7 months? That's a lot more patient than I would have been, particularly if I already had animals in the tank that depended on the light.

Do what you wish, but in my case, I'd consider it a lost cause and not worth the time and effort to get satisfaction. And I'd buy another light from a company with a good customer service reputation and move on.
Time to move on. Unless you spent absurd amounts of money on this light (I hope not), just go buy new lights, and make sure you never give them business again.
Naming the vendor will (a) help those considering this source of lighting and (b) possibly help you getting your lights fixed, if you make a big enough stink. So... who was the vendor?
You should post your experience and the name of the vendor in the Vendor Experiences forum.

After you do that let the company know that you did it to see if they will make things right for you. You should also name your LFS because they are giving you the run around as well.
Demand refund immediately on the spot, if they refuse, then go to small claim court.

I don't know how much you paid for it, you are the only one who can determine whether it worth your time or not. If it cheap enough, I'd probably move on, take it as a lesson learned, and never buy from this shop again.

However, you owe it to your fellow reefers to disclose the brand name, so no one has to go through what you went through.
Lots of 'fly by night' operations in this hobby, particularly in lighting when anyone with even rudimentary soldering skills and an internet connection can become a 'manufacturer'. I'd have a heart-to-heart with the LFS owner certainly; but probably call the fixture a write-off and chalk it up to experience.
I would suggest that attempting to repair yourself probably voided warranty on the first piece.

Repairing my own light was how they honored the warranty.

I took the light into where I bought it. Told them it was not working. He said they had a few like that, went in back, came back out with the parts, and told me it would be easy to do myself.

You should post your experience and the name of the vendor in the Vendor Experiences forum.

After you do that let the company know that you did it to see if they will make things right for you. You should also name your LFS because they are giving you the run around as well.

That will be my next step, as well as posting it in their sponsor section here on RC. And then as well as posting it in the Vendor Experience section of the many other reefing sites I belong to.

I was hoping to see if anyone had resolved this type of thing without resorting to that. Talking with the LFS owner for months now has not gotten me anywhere. Emailing the company gets me a customer service number of someone who, "knows them but does not work for them". I would like to not publically bash small business owners, so I wanted to feel like I gave them every oppritunity to make it right first.

I might chalk it up as a loss soon. Funny thing is when the light is working, it's a great light. I really like the color and function of it, just wish they would figure out their parts problem and work on some customer service.