What would you pay.....???


New member
Hey guys, apparently i must be pricing this too high....or no one has a need (or want) for a 150gl tank and stand.


so i'm asking what would be a good selling price for this tank and stand???? I would like to get a fair price, so please take this seriously, i also have some other great items i would like to sell so please feel free to add your input on those items also.....

200+lbs of LR----$1 per lb

Current Pro T5 Aquarium Lighting Fixture, 12X39 Watt, 72 inch---$300 (thats less than half the price of a new one)
My link

FX5 canister filter---$150
My link

My link

30gl tank and stand---$150

2 110gl rubbermaid tubs---$50 each
My link

150gl rubbermaid tub---$100
My link

vertex 180 skimmer---$125
My link
I bought a vertext recently for 100 so not bad at all.

I would like a 110 gallon rubbermaid stock tank, but running low on cash right now. I do have frags for trade unless you are getting out of the hobby all together.?.? Anyways let me know hopefully we can work something out.
I bought a vertext recently for 100 so not bad at all.

I would like a 110 gallon rubbermaid stock tank, but running low on cash right now. I do have frags for trade unless you are getting out of the hobby all together.?.? Anyways let me know hopefully we can work something out.

thanks for your input.....
i'm not getting all the way out, but i am just gonna stick to FO, I just don't have the time for more than that......