What you feed your fish thread.....

jarrett shark

New member
Well I been feeding the same boring stuff over and over and wanted to hear what you guys feed your fish.
I feed everday mysis, pellets,green flakes,nori but i think if i was my fish i would get bored of this stuff in time. they love eating it but i think in the long run its not the best for there diet. So what else can i mix up with it??
I tried bloodworms,cyclopeze but i think this is to small and more toward feeding the coral.
Mysis, Marine Cuisine, Saltwater Multi-pack, Brine shrimp, Nori sheets, and dry pellets.

I mixed all the food, spice of life is variety.

six cubes in RO water almost everyday
Mysis ,brine,cycloeeze,brains .anenomes get either sileverside or shrimp , and the ocasionaly chip strar for my haliquin shrimp ,but only when he dances lol
mysis, pellets,RODS FOOD (really big hit in my tank),brine shrimp,just about anything i see that i think they will like :D