whats an acceptaple price?

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scuba guy ron

New member
Considering some tubbs blues and AOI's. What is acceptable price per polyp nationally as well as here in the south east(florida)
FOr the tubbs blues it will depend if they can give you the lineage. I charge 10-15 PP for mine when I do sale because I can trace from me to Adam, to DANG and then to Mr. Tubbs.

Otherwise I would say 5-7 PP.

For the AOI's I can't really help sorry,
It varies my friend, supply and the area your in. Some places tubbs are dime a dozen. I used to sell mine a long time ago for 5-8 PP less if they get more than 3 polyp i believe. Devils Armour I used to sell for 8-10? depending on the amount is bought, some caribeanne morphs I used to give out as extras.

Some places, the quantity is scarce so the price around that area is higher.
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