Whats causing the algae growth


I'm trying to figure out whats triggering the algae growth in my tank. Nitrates are always zero, phosphates always very low but not zero (one level up from zero on test kit), I've reduced the time the lights are on to 8 hours, I've upgraded my protein skimmer, I've added chaeto which is growing well, I've added phosguard. Main item missing is a clean up crew. I still don't have any snails yet because something kept killing them all off rapidly. Algae growth has slowed a lot but still continue to grow and be an eye sore. Any suggestions?

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Part of my guess is the low nutrients. Generally you want some form of detectable phosphate and nitrate

The way I understand it, is so beneficial algaes and coral can out compete the bad algaes which will naturally eliminate them. I’d also definitely look into figuring out what’s killing any clean up crew as they’ll definitely help maintain the tank.
I’d also definitely look into figuring out what’s killing any clean up crew as they’ll definitely help maintain the tank.
I was gonna say this also. Ever hear any cracking or poping sounds? How old is this tank?
Tank is almost 2 years old. I found what may have been two carnivorous snails and removed them but snails continued to die off on their own. I went from RO water for the tank to RODI water thinking perhaps something is in the water source (copper tests zero consistently. But I havent' tried reintroducing a turbo yet to see if that resolved it. I do have an arc eye hawkfish that I know typically doesn't go after snails but I've wondered about him being a source and have been debating getting rid of him.

For the other so algae growth can be triggered by having nitrates and phosphates too low? High levels can obviously trigger it but I never thought too low could as well.
Hmm, just had a thought. I dose iron for the chaeto since it dies without it. I don't have an iron test kit though and wonder if I'm putting into too much? Can't iron also contribute to algae growth? I've been dosing a cap of iron supplement once per week for my 75. Starting to wonder if thats too much and contributing to my algae growth.
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Yep, a cleanup crew would help. Do you have any hermits or Emerald crabs? Also, dosing too much iron could be contributing.
Cheato does consume iron but also nitrates and phosphates. The nuisance algae is likely out competing the Cheato which is why you are likely seeing the die off of the Cheato without dosing. Too much iron could contribute but I’m honestly not sure. If you’re not against crabs, I put probably about 50 blue legs and 20-30 snails (Astrea or trochus) and see how well it works out. You may want to get a confirmation on the type of algae as well as some algaes aren’t readily consumed by clean up crew members.
No crabs or any clean up crew right now unfortunately. Did have some hermits and an emerald and they lasted the longest but also died. No clean up crew at all right now. My inability to keep a clean up crew has bothered me alot since I've never found a "smoking gun" to explain it. I've tried purchasing from my LFS as well as reefcleaners.org and snails from either never lasted more than a month.
Looks like GHA but could be Bryopsis. We’d need a closer pic to determine. Either way, you could knock it back with Flucansole.
Looks like green hair algae to me. Maybe run an ICP test to see if there’s a high metal content in the tank?
I've never used Flucansole I'm guessing it could kill the Chaeto as well? Any experience with SPS corals? I've not read great things for sps.
I've never used Flucansole I'm guessing it could kill the Chaeto as well? Any experience with SPS corals? I've not read great things for sps.
It may/may not kill the chaeto.

You need a CUS, algae will always grow, that’s what it does. I don’t think it’s possible to keep nutrients so low that algae can’t grow and if you did somehow manage that, your corals could never grow either. You want just enough CUC that they stay hungry and are always picking.
I Solved this with Zebrasoma and she cleaned tank in 2 weeks. After she continue to clean even small green algae but not touching Caulerpa that grows crazy...i cut every few weeks...
Try with different fish better than killing snails.
That looks like a normal, new tank. Perfectly normal and natural.
My tank is over 50 years old and I have more algae then you. I love it as do my fish.

And I took this off a remote Island in Hawaii.

Can anyone ID the growth in the sand and on the rocks in the photos below? I did a water change 6 days ago, cleaned the rocks, sand and glass. Algae (?) keeps growing back. I tested for Silicates, none present.
My parameters are 55 gallon tank 2 years old, 4 fish, a few corals and clean-up crew: Urchin (1), Chiton (1), Nerite (5), Scarlet Hermit (5), Emerald crab (2), Cerith snails(25), Astrea (25), Blue leg reef hermit (5). I have a sump with socks, skimmer, MarinePure Biobeads and ChemiPure Elite.
My chemistry is:
Salinity - 1.025
pH - 8.15
Alkalinity - 6.7 (way too low!)
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 0.8 (1-10 desired)
Nitrite - 0
Calcium - 360
Magnesium - 1299
Phosphate - 0.08 ( a bit high, 0.01-0.03 desired)

Thank you.


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Can anyone ID the growth in the sand and on the rocks in the photos below? I did a water change 6 days ago, cleaned the rocks, sand and glass. Algae (?) keeps growing back. I tested for Silicates, none present.
My parameters are 55 gallon tank 2 years old, 4 fish, a few corals and clean-up crew: Urchin (1), Chiton (1), Nerite (5), Scarlet Hermit (5), Emerald crab (2), Cerith snails(25), Astrea (25), Blue leg reef hermit (5). I have a sump with socks, skimmer, MarinePure Biobeads and ChemiPure Elite.
My chemistry is:
Salinity - 1.025
pH - 8.15
Alkalinity - 6.7 (way too low!)
Ammonia - 0
Nitrate - 0.8 (1-10 desired)
Nitrite - 0
Calcium - 360
Magnesium - 1299
Phosphate - 0.08 ( a bit high, 0.01-0.03 desired)

Thank you.
Looks like cyanobacteria to me. I've found keeping my Alkalinity in the proper range (at least for my tank) and maintaining the proper balance of nitrate and phosphate seems to help reduce/eliminate it.
Definitely get some sort of clean up crew / utilitarian fish. I would avoid using any chemical additives while natural methods have yet to be tried