Whats the best place to buy rics online?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11321306#post11321306 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dean Ladd
For Florida Ric's www.sealifeinc.net.
X2. My club just did a group order. I got a yellow, Blue/purple, and a steel blue. All arrived alive and are doing great. I got an extra Blue/purple in my bag.
That's the one. I ordered from him twice. I was happy with the transactions. However, I ordered from him last summer, so there was no need for heat packs. Ask if he uses them especially if ur up north.

I've bought stuff from him before(live in CO) and he used a heat pack for me :) He sells amazing coral!
gotta go with sealifeinc i just got an order in from them, everything was healthy, well packed and they opened up the first day and even got a few extras much to my delight. I will definitely be ordering from them again. Liveaquaria is great too but if it's ric's you are looking for cant go wrong w/sealifeinc.net.