whats the big deal with the porto rico zoas


New member
whats the big deal with the porto rico zoas. i thought it was illgeal to get zoas from there. why are they in such high demand.:uzi::uzi::uzi:
I haven't heard anything about them, but being that most of the market for zoanthids is manufactured fake hype, and that you can get exactly the same zoanthids in Florida, my guess is they're renamed Caribbean zoanthids. Next are Puerto Rican Deepwater Japanese Hybrid zoanthids. They'll look the same, but if you magnify them to 100x you'll see the difference, the skirts are 1/16 of a shade lighter on the True ones.
I have a friend who is a reefkeeper, student, and amateur diver in Puerto Rico. He says that over the last year he has seen many of his favorite diving spots decimated due to coral collection by locals, and assumes that this if for export. He says he feels partly responsible for this because he was one of the first to collect Purple People Eaters there and keep them in his personal tank. He says that once word got around that there were nice, collectable, corals in local waters he has seen a noticeable decline in the health of the reefs he frequents. He told me that technically, it is illegal to export coral from puerto rico.

This is why I suggest sticking with aquacultured corals, if at all possible.
I have a friend who is a reefkeeper, student, and amateur diver in Puerto Rico. He says that over the last year he has seen many of his favorite diving spots decimated due to coral collection by locals, and assumes that this if for export. He says he feels partly responsible for this because he was one of the first to collect Purple People Eaters there and keep them in his personal tank. He says that once word got around that there were nice, collectable, corals in local waters he has seen a noticeable decline in the health of the reefs he frequents. He told me that technically, it is illegal to export coral from puerto rico.

This is why I suggest sticking with aquacultured corals, if at all possible.
First of all most reef are destroyed here mostly from runoff and trash.Second is that what is illegal is taking rock and stony coral and if he took ppe for his personal tank then he is just as guilty as the people condems.I dive and snorkel and I see reef and zoas here all over place.What effects reef here once a year is the rainy season because nutrients go up from all the runoff and we have a huge algae break in which most zoas disappear. What type of the zoas do you consider Puerto Rico zoas, because I have never seen in zoas marketed as Puerto Rican Zoas.
oh and if your buddy sees zoas in any place deeper than 4 ft thats a rare one because zoas are from shallows and pools
I agree with everything you said. Industrial/agricultural runoff is by far the biggest threat to reefs....clearly. I have also never seen zoas marketed as puerto rican zoas, but I have heard that some of the recent caribbean paly/zoa morphs may have been collected in puerto rico (armageddon morphs, etc.) Of course, this is all hear-say for me but I just thought I'd share it for the purposes of discussion. Thanks for your input :)
No problem buddy just trying to keep things straight,because some people misinform,and blow things out of proportion.Which causes fingers to be pointed the wrong way.
most caribbean zoas are collected in florida and haiti, and any collecting can be done in a responsible way by propagating the things collected.
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One more name in the market...
As long as people like it, buy and talk about it... they'll still be doing it!

I haven't heard anything about them, but being that most of the market for zoanthids is manufactured fake hype, and that you can get exactly the same zoanthids in Florida, my guess is they're renamed Caribbean zoanthids. Next are Puerto Rican Deepwater Japanese Hybrid zoanthids. They'll look the same, but if you magnify them to 100x you'll see the difference, the skirts are 1/16 of a shade lighter on the True ones.

:hammer: Hits nail on head :thumbsup: