What's the one most beneficial change you have made to your tank?

i have changed alot. I got rid of the halids and went with T5s then got rid of those and went with LEDs. i add a Etss600 skimmer and about 150LBS of LR to my sumps. i have no bad algea my skimmer is barly working anymore and growth is good.
Well, I bought my own RODI unit,

Added an ACjr

Top off with premade Kalwasser mix and fresh RODI

Upgraded light to an 8 bulb Tek Unit and Geismann bulbs.
Switching from "conditioned" tap water to RO/DI.

Hands down, kids, hands down :)

^^ THIS!! ^^

Our tapwater is a nitrate frat party!! It took me a long time to figure out why no matter how many times I did water changes with my neighborhoods high-dollar-obnoxiously-expensive-quality-water (that I pay over $100 a month for :mad:) I couldn't see through my green glass every single day!

I have to change my prefilter once a month and my RO every 3 months. So glad we have the GOOD water...
Letting my tank go and now it's on cruise control all I do is top off.

Just did my "monthly water change"

+1 Friday, that is some simple and very sound advice my friend. I have always advocated keeping your hands out of your tank and just allow the reef to do what it does naturally. 2 thumbs bro. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

Mucho Reef
Switch from a 250w Metal Halide fixture with a 14k Phoenix bulbto a dimmable 165w LED fixture with bridgelux LED's. My corals pop so much more, and I've noticed a significant increase in growth, and with the amount of time I spend in front of my tank, I notice minute growth...

The second best thing I've done is probably switch the rio 600 on my skimmer to a MJ 1200, it just feels like it skims so much more.
I would have to say my lighting went from pc to t5 and everything likes it. Also have been working on me water chemistry as well checking more things then I normally did when I first started in the hobby.
Developing a rock solid maintenance routine with high quality water. I went from plagued with Cyano and bad qater quality to a tank that everything is doing great now.
I would say my ATI PM 6 bulbs for my 75gal, as far as I remember of all times.
It's just amazing how much I've got out of that investment.
The zoas are doing much better with the reflectors and the choices of bulbs to change in spectrum is amazing.

This is a good thread.

Developing a rock solid maintenance routine with high quality water. I went from plagued with Cyano and bad qater quality to a tank that everything is doing great now.

Lots of great replies/info in this thread, but this one is by far my favortite. Maintenance, whether it is daily, weekly or monthly, can make the difference between success or tank/polyp failure. I think equally important is maintaining a log of everything you do, change, add, even visual changes within your system is so important.

Mucho Reef
Testing RO water with a TDS from LFS before buying.
Or asking when is the last time they changed out thier membrane.

Testing RO water with a TDS from LFS before buying.
Or asking when is the last time they changed out thier membrane.


Smart idea. I purchased from a LFS once and was shocked by my readings I took when I arrived home. Now I am not knocking LFS water, just the one experience I had. Good point Friday.