What's up with my Superman? *pic*


Premium Member
Just bought this Superman monti yesterday at my LFS. The polyps won't come out. Can you see the little white specs in the photo?

I have the sunset for about 3 weeks and it has not really done much. The person who sold it said the polps extend way out IM have not seen that happen yet.
My LFS was honest with me and did not know for sure if it was the "real" thing. Corals usually acclimate quickly in my tank. This is why I am nervous about this one.
Where is your LFS that carries things like that? I'm just on the other side of the river from you and can't find anything worth while around me.
The "Supermans" that are out my way are the encrusting type and have a different appearance. My SM is a blueberry colored body with very red polyps and doesn't have the vericules (sp) that the M. denae has. Give your piece a couple of days to have the polyps come out. They will if the coral is happy.
hey my2girls I think what you have is not a superman but a pokerstar monti or a rainbow monti. I just bought one that had the same growth as yours but had green pollyps the odd thing is that the pollyps at the edge or new pollyps are turning red. Did the monti have its pollyps out when you bought it? mine took a few day just for the pollyps to come out.
How can you tell the difference between the superman, rainbow, and pokerstar montis judging by the growth? Their growth patterns are all the same.

The "real" superman was originally from exoticreefs.
I'm betting yours is one of the bali aquacultured red/blue montis that have been coming in recently.
the superman is a solid blue base w/bright red polyps, the rainbow is a lightblue base with green polyps in the middle and red/orange pollyps at the edge, pokerstar from what I understand is a purple base w/bright green pollyps but mine was that color and the new pollyps started to grow out red/orange.
Yes I am aware of the color patterns, I have/had all three. I just don't see any green polyps in the pic.
That is one of the similiarly colored Bali AC Monti's that come in. They look nice but do appear to be a different coral that the superman.

You might want to acclimate that coral to your lights. All of the Ocean Aquacultured corals should be acclimated slowly to out lighting systems. Not to mention typically elevated salinity, Alk, fluctuating Ph, Static current, and higher (or lower) levels of dissolved organics.

You mention white spots....? What were you referring to?

bkelley- Puppy Center and Aquarium in Elmwood. They have excellent stuff.

I agree it is probably a bali aquaculture. It is an encrusting type.

The white spots I am talking about are in the "pores" of the monti.

I took I out of the tank last night and did a salt water dip. I turkey bastered it. The white spots did not budge.

Also, my monti is very purple in natural daylight. It only appears blue when the tank lights turn on. My lights are 12K Reeflux with a slight blue appearance but I think it would look the same under 10K.