Whats wrong with my zoas?? Pics inside!


New member
So im having an issue with some of my zoas well kinda most of them, that dont seem to want to open or sometimes not fully open. Here are some pics of some, what you guys think

Water quality seems to be on point, 460 cal, 0 phos, 0 Nitrates, 8.2 PH, 11 Alk
Filtration: Aquaclear 70 & Cpr Bakpak skimmer with mini refugium mod.
40 gallon breeder with Reef radiance Dm-155e led fixture hanging 14 inches above the water

What you guys think ?
Could be adaptation to the light...
Have you recently boosted the intensity? Try to bring it down a little.

I don't see any signs of infections.

Check if there is no fish bugging them! Any predators? Make sure to check at night...
Hermit crabs? Shrimps? Small irritators, like hydroids among them?

Do you add anything to the water? Aminos? Iodine?

They aren't bad!! Hope you find what's wrong!

I can't answer your question, but rather ask you one. In the first pic, what are those open polyps to the left of the closed ones? Pallys of some sort, if so, WHAT IS THE NAME. I have the EXACT same ones and I've been dying to find an answer!