When and what do you feed your SPS?


Rejisturd Mimbur
Just trying to get an idea of when and what most of you feed your SPS corals. Do you feed while the lights are off, on? I'm slowly getting into keeping SPS and I've got a few small encrusting monti frags and a cup frag. I'm using "Coral Vibrance" right now about 30min after lights out. Eventually I'd like to get some Acros, but I want to see how these frags do first. Thanks.
I use frozen rotifers as well as golden pearls every other day. I feed them during daytime to train them to open polyps when the light is on and I can admire them.
I don't feed mine anything specifically. IMO in my tank they do eat smaller pieces of food the fish don't eat, fish poop and detritus/bacteria that is stirred up during my weekly blowing off of the rocks with a powerhead.
a few times a week i feed either oyster eggs, frozen rotifers, golden pearls. a few times a week i also feed cyclopeeze, but that is with lights on.