When and What to feed your SPS tank?

Tricky with the DT's because it tends to have phosphates in it. I've tried cyclopeeze and I have seen coral polyps of my A. millepora catch it and hold on to it. I am not sure if it can digest it or use it.
I've also had a Pocillopora verrucosa that ate bloodworms- again not sure if the nutritional value has any meaning to it, but it digested it (it would catch loose ones after I fed my clownfish)
I'm using something very similar to Eric's coral recipe and my SPS are growing like weed.

I also started adding Reef Booster from Prodibio and now all my SPS are showing more polyp extension.
Hey first of all Clams do eat phyto(the sps dont eat phyto), but most others like Acro's don't eat it, but zooplankton....do eat it...and coral eat zooplankton. I don't find it worth it because of this recipe----

take a little shaving(depending on how big of a tank your feeding)
of DT's oyster eggs and a little shaving of cycloppeeze(frozen) and soak in selcon in a coffee mug for a few minutes then take a turkey baster and get some tank water squirt in the mug(about 4 baster thingys) and let it sit for a minute then using the turkey baster shoot the concotion all over the tank(do especially when polyps are extended) you will train your coral to feed and you will notice how healthy the get after time( do this feeding dedicated to coral once or preferably twice a week)

They also eat fish crap too, get a shoal of chromis feed em highly nutritious food and let them poop all over your SPS