when to feed zooplankton


New member
In reading your latest article, you discuss how the majority of SPS are night feeders which I have observed in my aquarium as the majority of polyps are out after the lights go off. I feed rotifers and copepods to the tank and was wondering when you feel the best time to feed would be based on my lighting cycle ie 2 hrs after lights out, 1 hr before lights on etc. On the reef, when is the concentration of zooplankton the highest?
From sundown for about four hours, and then another but smaller peak before sunrise. However, except for daytime swarms, levels are higher all night than they are during the day, even during non-peak hours. I think it s a good idea to feed at night, in addition to during the day....but that's just my feelings on the matter. Its very interesting that these peaks correspond to the "switchover time" between day and night predators - you wouldn't think zooplankton would "figure" that out.