When your corals are this big...

It's about 4"... like I said I couldn't pass it up

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My current tank is a 20 long with about 13 gallons of water. I do two water changes a week totaling at about 5 gallons. I'm in the middle of refinishing a stand for a 50 cube I recently got from SCA.

I started reading the link you sent me, I too ended up with a nice chunk of green plating Monti last weekend. We will see how it goes. I wasn't sure if it was a more difficult SPS to take on thank some of the other so I gave it a shot for $15 I couldn't pass it bye lol

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Size matters to an extent. If you can keep good water quality and don't put in fish that like to swim around small tanks are fine. Hell I have a 16" carpet anemone in a 10gallon with a clownfish and he's doing great. Eats like a pig and I do a 20% water change every Friday. Hell I don't even run a skimmer. I dose ZEO products



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Took 3 years for my 265 to go from small frags to massive colonies; and now its full and facing a significant pruning job. So big that I'm toying with just getting a bigger tank at the same time :lol:. I still like and grow the birdsnest, montis and unfortunately pocilopora. Latter requires monitoring otherwise it would spread around the entire tank. LED's grow coral just fine, though shading problems as the corals grow means double the number of fixtures you thought you'd need.
That three years is critical. You can pretty much overgow a tank in that amount of time of you don't crash or have failures. The next reboot is faster, around two years, because your tank is mature already and you are well past that first year crapshoot of a new tank. The first time that you have to destroy a Leng Sy Cap the size of a Thanksgiving turkey platter or a Ultimate Stag with probably three hundred branches and your heart breaks (those were my first two tear outs), you will never again want stuff to grow as fast as possible - this is the SPS'er equivalent of rooting for coraline to start to grow.

Every reboot you remove something that grows too fast or drives you crazy - this is where many abandon the birdsnest and montis. You also get better at positioning - stags at the bottom, tables in the open areas, etc.