where am I in my cycle?


I recieved my 75lb shipment of uncured fiji last Wednesday. I had slight ammonia at the beginning but know comming up on the one week marker I have 0 Ammonia, less than .5 ppm of Nitrites and 15 ppm of nitrates. Is things really moving this fast or will I have a bigger spike later? Would it be ok to add a few snails and crabs in about a week?:confused: :D
I think for it being only a week since you first added the rock, 15ppm of nitrites is not bad. I say start to add things once you see zero nitrites just to be safe. HTH, JOHNNY
Most likely you are almost through your cycle. We hear this pretty frequently when customer's purchase our uncured rock. It really is amazing how much life can be saved and how well liverock pulls through shipping when a vendor actually tanks it in water and treats it such as it really is, Live Rock! :)

I would say you are most likely ok to put a few inverts in now, however I would still recommend waiting another week just to play it safe and to see the nitrate get down to almost zero.

This is great!! I really expected that it being uncured rock that it was going to stink horrably and that it was going to take about 3-4 weeks to cure! But really I have alot of nice looking life on my rock that has survived. Practically no bad odors, and I have not had a real big cycle! I think this is great!! Thank you guys again for great rock and I will be telling other people about you guys expecially on the Venders forum!