where do I find a piece of acryllic?


New member
I have an amiracle wet/dry that is currently in use as my sump. When I move my tank across the room next year I plan to add a much better sump with baffles etc. in the mean time, I was wondering if I could add a piece of acryllic inside to create a sort of chamber on one side.
However I don't know where to buy a small piece, let alone how to cut it or what tool to use to cut it. I have some chaeto in thereand it grows pretty nicely, yet the water level is always low since there are no baffles. I figure if I add a baffle in there, maybe 1/2 height, then some water could build up in there and I could make a sort of fuge out of it.
I know I need to get a better sump/fuge combo later, but I had to put this thing in thru the top of the stand when the tank was empty and it won't come out otherwise, so...kinda leaves me in a bind until I drain the tank.

I'm open to suggestion.

If you cant find a piece let me know what size you need and I will cut a piece from the big sheet I have and bring it to the frag swap.
If you can't get it from evolust, IMO Lowe's is the best place to go for it. They will even cut it for you, and they are pretty accurate, AFA getting the exact size.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7137703#post7137703 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by azhockeynut
cool thx. hd is about 1 block away so I can go get it. don't suppose you know what dept it is in? :)

It's in the Windows and Doors section at the HD near me.