I am treating for them now, and I treated in a 55 gallon tank, separate from my main system. My main tank and live rock have been up and full of life for 5 years now, I have tons of life..pods, mysis, etc etc. Interceptor is strong stuff, when I did my 1st treatment last Wednesday, I could not believe how much stuff died and fell off my frags and the 1 pound or so of live rock that the frags are attached to. There must have been 100 dead pods, 5 acro crabs and a few other bugs I didn't recognize on the floor of the treatment tank. I can't imagine the massacre that would have occurred in my main tank if I treated it. Lots of people have treated the main tank...and reported good results. IMO it was worth the extra work, to keep as much biodiversity in the main system as possible. Good luck...