Where do Red Bugs like to setup house?


Premium Member
What are the most susceptible SPS corals to infestations of red bugs? What SPS corals are the least favorite hosts?
i know they like torts, and i believe only acros. i have heard they don't like the really hairy one,s like milis, but that is word of mouth.
My typical blue tipped stag had the largest concentration, followed by a A. nana. Bali slimer had none, and nothing on my milipora's from what I could see. Like twon8 said...only acropora's.

When I did find them they were on my A. samoensis and A. austera. I have 17 types of acros and those two seemed to be favored.
If only a few of acros were infected, would you treat the whole tank with intercept or treat the individual corals in a seperate tank?
I am treating for them now, and I treated in a 55 gallon tank, separate from my main system. My main tank and live rock have been up and full of life for 5 years now, I have tons of life..pods, mysis, etc etc. Interceptor is strong stuff, when I did my 1st treatment last Wednesday, I could not believe how much stuff died and fell off my frags and the 1 pound or so of live rock that the frags are attached to. There must have been 100 dead pods, 5 acro crabs and a few other bugs I didn't recognize on the floor of the treatment tank. I can't imagine the massacre that would have occurred in my main tank if I treated it. Lots of people have treated the main tank...and reported good results. IMO it was worth the extra work, to keep as much biodiversity in the main system as possible. Good luck...

I think its just harder to see them on Millis, because they definitely can get them. Theyre also really easy to see on purple/blue colored corals, so I think people report them more on those.

I've never seen them on slimers.
pk1 is right- Interceptor will kill all the pods, mysis, acro crabs.. I treated my whole tank about a month ago..i have like 2 pods and 1 mysis, LOL
I am in the process of treating the whole tank. I could take out the individual corals, but the eggs could be in the plumbing system or the sump, so I would rather treat the whole system. Also, they could be on other corals but just not close enough to the glass or too small to spot by eye.
Whoops, I inadvertently wrote eggs I was thinking of a flat worm. Treating both right now. But still same issue, new ones may be in the plumbing system or sump. I would still treat it all to be sure.
They only live for 5 days without a host, so really that is not necessary, if you are sure you moved ALL our acro's to the the q-tank, and did the recommended treatment of 3 doses spaced out every 7 days. HTH

PK :)
Interceptor treatment in a seperate tank sounds like the way I'd like to go. How long do you leave the affected corals in the medicated tank? Do you rinse the coral off in fresh saltwater before returning to the display tank?

No fresh water rinse needed. Like twon8 says, and the link I posted above, 5 days without an acropora to host on and they are toast. I am still going to do the original recomendation of 3 treatmeants spaced out every seven days..would end up being about 15-16 days?? HTH

PK :)
I just been lookin online for interceptor and they have pills based on the weight of your dog. Which dosage/weight pill would you suggest.
I used 1/2 of the large dog pill, for about 50 gallons of water. It is hard to get interceptor to dissolve in water, so I crushed it in a bowl with a spoon, and put it in a blender with about 2 cups of saltwater--then pureed for 3 minutes. 6 hours of treatment and a 25% water change, carbon and turn the skimmer back on. I am pretty sure I killed all the bugs...the 2nd and 3rd treatment should guarantee it! HTH
